
August 16, 2017

Do You Have Enough Bounce?

I was watching a PGA Tour event a few weeks ago when the announcers mentioned the degrees of bounce on a player’s sand wedge and I wondered if even half the people watching even knew what they meant by “bounce angle”. Contrary to some beliefs bounce is not what you put in your drier to make clothes have less static but the angle the leading edge of the golf club is recessed off the ground at address. Every iron has […]
June 21, 2017

Putters… What’s Right for You?

When do you need a new putter? If you average more than 2 putts per green in a round, it’s time for something new.  But… Which putter is the right one? Should you get a blade or a mallet? What length should you get? What is the best grip for you? Who should you go to for the answers to these questions? Do you watch Golf on television? The tour players have putting all figured out, right.  Well, not necessarily, […]
May 3, 2017

Are Golfers About to Become Surfers?

Golfers could soon be, in the words of Mike Love and the Beach Boys, “loading up their woody with their boards inside and headin’ out singing their song”? No. It’s not that golfers are about to give up their game to become surfers; instead, it’s a new concept being introduced to golf that may link these two sporting passions together. Named the Best New Product at the 2014 PGA Merchandise Show, a device called the GolfBoard is starting to appear […]
August 24, 2016

Which golf ball should I play?

This is a question that most every golfer has asked their golf professional at one time or another. We are all bombarded with ads while watching our favorite golf event or listening to the golf channel or similar programs as why their golf ball is the best or fits a certain golfer. Even after listening to the ads there are probably still many doubts as to what golf ball to play. My opinion and recommendation as to what ball to […]
March 8, 2016

I’m A “Ping Girl”!

I have played Ping since I was 16 years old.  Before that I couldn’t break an egg. I started with Eye irons – Broke 90. Went to Eye Woods, K2 Irons, Anser Putter – Broke 80. Then went to Eye 2 Woods, Eye 2 Irons, Pal Putter – broke 70, and won my first NHWGA State Amateur. Since then I’ve played the ISI Nickel, i3, Rapture, G5, I15, G25 and G30… Won 15 more NHWGA Championships, an Eastern Senior, the […]