Pace Of Play

We've Committed

And We've Invested

In Providing An

Enjoyable Pace of Play

Introducing Tagmarshall

At Candia Woods & The Oaks

“One significant aspect of a round of golf that is a great source of dissatisfaction is waiting.” — Hunki Yun, USGA Regional Affairs

We Agree with Mr. Yun & the USGA ... And We've Listened to Our Golfers

Our Plan

  1. We spent last winter and early spring researching tools available to improve the pace of play at Candia Woods and The Oaks.

  2. We ultimately selected the Tagmarshall Pace of Play System which includes golf cart GPS, walking golfer tag trackers, and accompanying software that gathers real-time information on the pace of every group on the course.

  3. Installation of the Tag Marshall GPS (cart riders will enjoy a full GPS experience with an interactive screen) began on our cart fleets in September.  We currently have about 50% of our carts up and running with the completion of GPS installation on the entire fleet at both courses expected later this month.

  4. We have begun tracking the pace of play with the carts installed with GPS units (you’ll see TV monitors in each pro shop), this information gathering will continue for the balance of the season.

  5. In the early spring of 2023, we’ll be tracking the pace of every group playing at Candia Woods and The Oaks which will provide us with the data needed to establish a reasonable/enjoyable pace of play at each course.

  6. Once the reasonable/enjoyable pace of play is established we’ll be expecting all of our members and golfing guests to maintain that pace.

2023 CandiaOaks Memberships


Ben Alexander
At The Oaks

Jon Ellis
At The Oaks

Shaun Bishop
At Candia Woods

Craig McLaughlin
At Candia Woods